Friday, April 16, 2010

Leah Fox

My whole life I’ve searched for balance. I’ve always said it’s the little things in life that make it so lovely. The three properties of water, the smell of cypress wood when you carve it with a chisel. These things cannot be duplicated, but more importantly they shouldn’t be ignored. This is what I portray in my work: a balance between my observations and the emotions they create. A friend asks me what materials I work with, and I reply ‘anything,’ since I work with whatever medium best fits the idea. It is for this reason I did not strive to be apart of the BFA program. My ‘B.S.’ degree means the world to me. It gives me the freedom to express what I want to, and be the artist I am. The last thing I want is for another person to tell me what I’m supposed to make art out of. Let me work with sticks I found in my yard and then play with fire in the welding cage. It’s the balance between my passions and my energy that lead me. My only desire is for my art to be viewed with an open heart and open mind because that is how they came to be in the first place.

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